Ultimate Hackathon Starting Guide

What is this?

The Ultimate Hackathon Starting Guide is an all-purpose, one-stop guide to hackathons. Whether you are a first time hacker or an experienced professional, we believe that this guide can help you build the best project possible!

Who made this?

This resource was made by Freetail Hackers at the University of Texas at Austin. We are a multidisciplinary student organization that organizes HackTX annually.

What was the inspiration for this guide?

Our entire team is currently quarantining at home. With this abundance of free time, we decided to create a tool that would be useful for hackathons attendees and organizers around the world.

Other useful general tutorials

Our goal with this project is to help beginners learn as quickly as possible. Part of achieving this goal means sharing as many high quality tutorials as we can. Usually, we will link these tutorials within their respective sections. However, we will link more general, multi-purpose tutorials down below. Hopefully these sources will supplement your learning :)

  1. A team of PhD students at MIT created a course called “The Missing Semester”. This is a really good guide into the fundamentals of CS tools, and is well worth a read. However, it is quite long and may not be appropriate if you are just trying to learn a single topic for a hackathon. Check it out here

I found a mistake // How can I get involved?

This guide is still a work in progress. If you find a mistake/omisison/or want to contribute, please reach out to us at [email protected]. Thanks for your help!